Take advantage of a real springboard to join the Group! Internships, apprenticeships and school partnerships are just some of the ways in which you can join one of our dynamic companies and gain your first professional experience.

Relations with schools

Each LOUIS Group entity works closely with local schools to promote training in industrial trades, particularly surface treatment.

The LOUIS Group is also a partner of national schools or school networks (COMPAGNONS DU DEVOIR, UIMM, GALVAZINC, etc.), to which it advertises internship, apprenticeship and recruitment opportunities. Through its various subsidiaries, the LOUIS Group also takes part in student trade fairs and gives talks at schools to raise awareness of its specific features.

Would you like to join the Louis Group?

The Louis Group, through its {{ % sites_number % }} production sites, regularly recruits new employees.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to join the adventure.

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