Our Group is firmly committed to a social and ethical approach that reflects our values. At the heart of our CSR actions, we place
integrity, transparency and respect for the individual. We are determined to act responsibly and make a positive contribution to society
society by adopting practices that support sustainable development, social inclusion and equitable progress.

Equal opportunity and diversity

We emphasize professional ethics and expect our employees and temps to behave in an exemplary manner, before training them in the required technical skills.

*Our credo: “we hire and we train”.

Corporate citizenship and philanthropy

We are proud to sponsor Cité des soins, a non-profit organization that plays an essential role in supporting cancer patients. Founded on the initiative of the Clinique de l’Anjou, Cité des soins is a key player in the Angers healthcare network, offering support to all patients undergoing oncology treatment, regardless of their care center.
Our commitment responds to the imperative of the 2014-2019 Cancer Plan to strengthen the human accompaniment of patients, in the face of increasing outpatient care. We believe in the importance of this support throughout the fight against the disease.
The Cité des soins is a free space for comfort, information and support, where patients can become informed players in their care journey. Through clear information and well-being activities, it encourages dialogue, social cohesion and sharing.
As “Gold Patrons”, we are committed to actively contributing to this noble cause.
To find out more, visit

Active participation in numerous professional groups, associations and unions

The Louis Group is a long-standing member of GALVAZINC, the French association for the development of hot-dip galvanizing. Made up of experts, the association leads and federates actions in the technical, environmental and marketing fields. It participates in drawing up European standards and ensures compliance with them. GALVAZINC is also a training organization, offering a full range of training courses for hot-dip galvanizing plant personnel: ISO 1461 Galvanizing, Process Control and Finished Product Quality, Safety and Environmental Rules.

The Louis Group holds the presidency of the association, the vice-presidency of the marketing committee, and a position as trainer. Our company is actively involved in the professional community, participating in numerous recognized professional groups, associations and unions. This participation testifies to our commitment to industry excellence and the development of the trades we represent.

For example, we contribute to the Union des Industries des Technologies des Surfaces (UITS), which represents the interests of professionals in the surface treatment and finishing sector. Likewise, we are active members of the Syndicat Français de la Construction Métallique (SCMF), the Fédération Française du Bâtiment (FFB) and the Centre Technique et Industriel de la Construction Métallique (CTICM), institutions that play a major role in the advancement of our respective industries.

Our membership of the Union des Industries et Métiers de la Métallurgie (UIMM) and similar associations underlines our commitment to technical progress, training and innovation. Our participation is not limited to financial contributions in the form of membership fees; we are also actively involved in the missions and actions of these organizations to foster a dynamic and constantly evolving professional environment.